Saturday, February 27, 2010


Yesterday was PTAG CNY party. I was expecting something fun but it didn't turn out as i thought. But it's still better than staying at home. I can hang out with my friends. It's held at Dewan Liparis. Mr Lee, the ang pow man gave ang pow for those who got straight A's for UPSR and PMR. Suddenly, it rain so heavily that i hardly hear what Mr Caleb was talking.

The roof of the Dewan Liparis was licking! We had been asked to move to the corner. Damn. It spoiled the mood. Haiz. We queue up to wait for our turn to get our food. The queue was so long. After eating, the ang pow man as us to queue up for the lucky draw. He was holding a recycle bag which filled with ang pows. Sadly, i only got RM2 so were my other friends.

After that, the AJKs had performed something for us. They had sang the MY FM DJs CNY songs. Then some had sang a Chinese song. Then some had sang the song i used to love which is 'Two Is Better Than One'. The final performance was a guy playing a keyboard. That was the best performance among all.

Then we have games prepared by the AJKs. The ang pow man gave the group members each one an ang pow if the group wins the game. The party ended at 10.It was quite fun.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Chinese New Year

HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR AND HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!!!Unfortunately i only celebrate CNY but not it is new year already..i 've been waiting for this for soooooooo damn long...New clothes,new shoes,and everything also new.Well, almost everything la...

Want to know where i go for holiday? For those who knew me very well might know where i've been for new year..GENTING HIGHLAND..same old place we went for EVERY new year..First,we went to my father side brother's home which is at Pahang for the reunion dinner..wa lau..the road jam light crazy..The trip normally only take 1-2 hours..but on almost took 3-4 hours to reach there...after we ate our reunion dinner,we went straight to genting as usual.

Went we reach there,we waited more than 1 hours for our turn to check in..haiz..Another 1 hour wasted. My dad got us two hotel room..My dad. mum.little bro, my little sis and my grandma sleep in one room. On the other hand,my both elder sis and me sleep in one room. My sister and I were in the room doing nothing but watching tv which is super blur.We waited for the time to pass to watch the fireworks. They announced that the fireworks will starts at 11 p.m.Normally the fireworks always starts at 12,but perhaps it is because of the mist..

Finally, it is 11 p.m.We went all the way out to see the fireworks...I can tell you that outside there is super damn cold..But when we were outside, it stared to drizzle. Damn..My dad ask the workers is the fireworks still on..They say yes..So we waited under a pondok outside..We waited and waited..Finally my bro said he was tired and he doesn't want to see the fireworks. Therefore, my mum brought him back to the hotel.

Only left my sisters and me..We waited, waited and waited..the time passes slowly..11.00,11.15,11.30,11.45..We wanted to give up and just go in because it is just freaking cold outside..The wind kept on blowing the cold wind and the sky is just getting more and more blurred because of the mist...My big sister said that just wait until 12 and see first..She doesn't want to waste all her energy and time standing there and suffering from the cold wind and ended up seeing nothing..She wouldn't be satisfied.We agreed with her and we waited.Finally,it's 12..However,the sky is still covered with mist. They asked us to wait for another fifteen minutes and see whether the mist got less or not.Finally,the sky got clearer and the fireworks began..IT WAS AWESOME AND BEAUTIFUL.

The fire works ended around 1 a.m.We all got very tired and exhausted and we went back to hotel and sleep. Me and my big sis woke up late on the next day..So what? Like we are going to do anything. My dad,my little sis and bro are going outdoor and play. Me and my both sis will shop at genting. My dad had actually gave the three of us RM100 each for us to shop. woo hoo..As you guys know that genting stuff are way way more expensive than other places. I woke up around 11 something. But my big sis said she wants to sleep longer since we got nothing to do. Me and my second sis decided to walk around genting. We was way too boring and the stuff that sell in genting are also very 'cheap'. We both ended up bought some faked nails to play with. In that box contain 24 nail. It is enough for me and my sister. It is quite nice. It is silver with shiny glitters and some diamonds on it. Sure the nails are nice but the price is also very nice. IT COSTS RM26. However, we ended up buying it and decided to play with is at the hotel.

When my sister opened the box, she found out that WE'VE BEEN TRICKED. On the box contains 12 nails that have coloured and with the diamonds. But under the box there are another 12 nails with coloured but NO DIAMONDS ON IT. It is just normal nail with a very normal colour except that it is long. DAMN. Think about it really pissed me off. Haiz..What to do...just keep it and go home do lo since my big sis got the glue. After wasting time at the hotel watching tv, we decided to go to Old Town. My second sis had brought her laptop along with her, so she wants to go online. My big sister got her iphone and can go online too. Me, I 've brought my story book along with me. We agreed to go to the Old Town and waste our time there.

We were at the Old Town around 3 something..We sat there until 6 something.. muahaha..Our table was just right next to the counter..We just ordered few drinks and a bowl of fries and we sat there almost 3 hours. muahaha.. The people at the counter kept on staring at us..I bet she was thinking when are we going to told my big sis about the people at the counter were looking at us. She just answer me back in two words. SO WHAT? lol..

I am so full even though I just a drank cup of whatever it called. Around six something we left Old Town and met with my dad and mum and others for dinner. But me and my big sis were just so full and couldn't eat anymore. We also have bought tickets for the movie called 'Big Soldier' I think. The movie was on 1 a.m.Nice. So after we bought the tickets,we went back to hotel and rest.I just continue to read my books and my second sis read her biology book. Cool huh..Biology book in genting. My big sis decided to take a nap. Around 11 p.m. something, we went to The Coffee Bean Shop and sat there until 1 a.m.We did the same thing as we did in Old Town. My both sis online and me on the other hand reading. Lame huh. Finally, the time I've waiting for reached. Time for movie. That movie is damn nice and funny. Should watch.

After watching movie,the time was about to reach 3 a.m. Whao..After that we just went back to hotel and sleep. The next day we wake up and check out. We had our breakfast at Gotong Jaya. Finally, we went home.The journey of going back home was way way faster than going to genting. We only took around 1 hour to reach home but we took almost 4 hours to reach genting. Home Sweet Home. AHHHHHH. So tired after typing so long. I guess this is the longest blog I ever wrote so far..So tired now. Want to sleep now already.