Sunday, September 12, 2010

GENTING!!.. again....

Hey people..It's been a while since I last updated my blog. I'm spending my holidays with my family. I just came back from Genting. Actually, we didn't plan to stay there because we didn't book any hotel.. But my dad said just pack some clothes just in case. Who knows were lucky enough to get a room. It was quite small.

Before we went Genting, we decided to visit Bukit Tinggi/ Beverly Hills first. At there, we fed some rabbits and my bro rid a horse. The rabbits there are cute and fat and lazy. Most of them just stay at one place and refuse to move around. But there were also a few rabbits that were quite active jumping around due to the children there chasing them. The horses there are also very handsome.

After that, we went to Genting. As usual, my second sister and I will walk around to kill some time. Then, we will find a place where we can sit down and online. Normally we will go Oldtown (her favurite place), but we lazy to walk that far so we just sit at the Cofffee Bean Shop. She brought her laptop along with her, so she can online while I will sit there and read my book. Not long after, we had our dinner. After that, we both loitered around and took some pictures with her new camera that dad bought 2 days ago. After tired of walking, we stopped at The Bakery. My sis bought me a cup of coffee and sat there for like a few hours. Like just now, she will continue with her laptop and I will continue with my book. Finally, we were sick of what we were doing and went back to hotel. Guess what? WE GOT TO SLEEP ON THE FLOOR. God.

We checked out this morning and visited a temple near Genting.Took a lot of nice pictures. Then, we had our breakfast and went home. The end.

There. Finally I updated my blog. Thanks for reading this rubbish. Oh. By the way, I just want to say that my hp just died a few days ago. Sad case. Currently got no hp right now. Don't really found any spare hp at home yet. Sob.....