Sunday, February 13, 2011

Chinese New Year

I think this is the first post in year 2011.

Chinese New Year is going to pass. How did I celebrated it? As usual. Genting again. Therefore, I don't think i am going to talk much about it. Like every new year, I went there and just loitered around. Spend m
y time doing nothing at Starbucks, Oldtown, Coffee Bean and etc. Gosh, it was so boring.

Besides from Genting, my family and I also visited Penang. HAH. Well, Penang is nice. But we hardly do anything there besides from going to the beach and eat. We spend quite a lot of time staying in the hotel. What t
o do? The weather out there was so hot that time. You can even roast a chicken under the sun. Haha. Nah. Just exaggerating. I am lazy to post the pictures but you guys can visit my sister's blog instead. She posted a few of the pictures in her blog. To my dear sis, if you are reading this, be proud and thankful man. I am helping you to promote your blog. In another word, earning $$. Haha.

Yesterday, I went to Andrea's house. I stayed at her house for a while then we went shopping at Bukit Tinggi Jusco. It was the first time both of us went out alone together. It was so fun. We walked around. Bought some stuff. The best thing was we had Fish and Chip for our lunch. We went to Fish Manhattan Market. It was so nice. Haha. I even took a few pictures there.


Andrea's favourite tartar sauce.
The food. yum yum
And the drinks. Oreo Kaboom and Tropical breeze. Nice.

Around 4 in the afternoon, I went back to my PTAG. The AJKs were arranging the tables, chairs and the food as well. Busy busy. It was fun to be one the AJKs. We even got the special ang pao besides from the lucky draw. It's was so fun. So, I think that's all for now. Bye!