Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Bonjour~ Like I said last time, I will update my half dead blog again after the pain in the ass PMR. 

First of all, I officially declared freedom for myself. Woohoo!!
My PMR just ended two days ago. Therefore, I don't have to take exams anymore. We even returned our textbooks to school today already. I wonder what are we really going to do in school for the rest of the weeks. 

Anyway, Andrea and I celebrated the end of PMR yesterday at her house. It was so fun! I don't often go to her house so there are a lot of things we can do.

I went there in the morning. We baked apple crumbles together. After that, we watched some movies together. Well, we were supposed to watch horror movie but we changed our mind. XP. Haha. It's not necessary to watch horror right. Comedy will do as well. Haha. We watched comedy while eating the apple crumbles we made. 

After that, we watched another Singaporean movie. In that movie had our Malaysian DJ acted in it. He is the guy who always acted in the show Ah Beng. Well, the show we watched is called Kidnapper. That ah beng was plain evil in there man. He was so scary. 

After watching movie, Andrea brought me to cycled around her housing area. We went to see all the houses. The bungalows and semi-D there are just plain awesome. People who stayed there must be awfully rich. The way they designed the houses are so beautiful. Some are even like the western style. I wonder when will I only be able to stay in such beautiful house. Ah, keep dreaming. 

We cycled around for like an hour and unfortunately, I had to go home already. 
SO, that's all for now. Sayonara~

Sunday, September 4, 2011

short update

Today is the last day of holiday. Starting from today, I only have one month left till my PMR. Therefore, this will be my last update until...I don't know when. Haha. Perhaps until my PMR over. 
For this whole week of holiday, I really spent my time doing things that I like. Watch movies, go out, ice skating and etc. After today, I really need to start studying again. Of course, lets just hope that I can do that. Haha. I really can't wait until my PMR actually over. So long then. 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Let's Rock It.

Finally I updated my blog after like... ages. Haha. Anyway, I am feeling seriously happy today. My mid-term exam just over today. Haha. I had been studying my backside off. Today is the day that I had been waiting since last week. Next week will be the mid year holiday. 2 WEEKS OF HOLIDAY. That is like the best thing ever.

While I was studying, my mind can't help to wonder around and started thinking about what am I going to do after exam. I practically got like numerous things to do. If I am not mistaken, the last time I actually step my foot into a mall was like during Mother's Day. Haha.

Actually, it's not only me who is suffering from all these, even all my sisters are. Haha. Even my eldest sister actually came downstairs to study with my second sister and I. So, the three of us will be like occupying the whole dining table. Then we will burn the midnight oil together. Sometimes, both of them actually did not sleep for the whole night. Wow. Well, that is actually quite normal for my big sister. What do you expect when you study at the eleventh hour? Her test was like the day after that. She will be studying for the whole night until the next morning and then straight away go to collage and take her test. When she come back, she will like sleep for the whole entire day till night. So her life is like opposite from us. We sleep at night whereas she sleeps during the day. During the time when all of us are having exam, my house was like a total mess. Papers and books everywhere. Even my big sister's books and mine are enough to actually occupied the whole dining table. My second sister got to open another table for herself. Pretty awesome to actually study together. You won't feel that boring. Sometimes we will joke around. Haha.

All right. Anyway, I am going to have a 2 weeks holiday starting from next week. Haha. Sooooo going to get out from this prison a.k.a house. Haha. Things that Chong An Yee wants to do:

  1. Go Genting.
  2. Go out with Andrea and friends.
  3. Work out.
  4. Watch movie with family and friends.
  5. Watch korean dramas and anime.
  6. Go ice skating.
  7. Get out from the house.....
  8. Do homework.
  9. Clean the room.
Of course the last 2 are the least thing I want to do. Haha. Seriously, the school just couldn't spare us. Gave us like a tonnes of homework to do when not all the teachers mark it. What a waste of time. Haha.

So, I think that's all for now. Bye~

Friday, April 29, 2011

Pandu Puteri Rocks!!!

Pandu Puteri won the third place for kawad this year!!! It was the first time we actually won the third place. We were all so happy. Hahaha.

What seriously pissed me off that day was all the participants were asked to wait and greet the VIPs that coming to our school. They said they will be coming around 10 am. So, the other police arranged us in a line to greet them. But, they only show up 2 hours later. Imagine that, waiting under the hot sun for 2 hours. Luckily the teachers are considerate enough to ask us to sit down under the shade first and wait. Oh well, so called police that menepati masa.

Anyway, we had practiced hard for this kawad. Most of us even got sun burned after practicing. Gosh. We were all roasted. But all the worth it. We enjoyed it. I love our formations as well. It's a heart and a diamond-like shape.

My classmates are also very supportive. Some of them actually stayed back after school to watch and cheer for us. Haha. When we walked in, I can hear their cheers. I can't help to smile even though we are supposed to keep a serious expression. 3 Aranda is just so awesome. Haha. There are a few pictures taken yesterday. Here are some of it. So green~

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Chinese New Year

I think this is the first post in year 2011.

Chinese New Year is going to pass. How did I celebrated it? As usual. Genting again. Therefore, I don't think i am going to talk much about it. Like every new year, I went there and just loitered around. Spend m
y time doing nothing at Starbucks, Oldtown, Coffee Bean and etc. Gosh, it was so boring.

Besides from Genting, my family and I also visited Penang. HAH. Well, Penang is nice. But we hardly do anything there besides from going to the beach and eat. We spend quite a lot of time staying in the hotel. What t
o do? The weather out there was so hot that time. You can even roast a chicken under the sun. Haha. Nah. Just exaggerating. I am lazy to post the pictures but you guys can visit my sister's blog instead. She posted a few of the pictures in her blog. To my dear sis, if you are reading this, be proud and thankful man. I am helping you to promote your blog. In another word, earning $$. Haha.

Yesterday, I went to Andrea's house. I stayed at her house for a while then we went shopping at Bukit Tinggi Jusco. It was the first time both of us went out alone together. It was so fun. We walked around. Bought some stuff. The best thing was we had Fish and Chip for our lunch. We went to Fish Manhattan Market. It was so nice. Haha. I even took a few pictures there.


Andrea's favourite tartar sauce.
The food. yum yum
And the drinks. Oreo Kaboom and Tropical breeze. Nice.

Around 4 in the afternoon, I went back to my PTAG. The AJKs were arranging the tables, chairs and the food as well. Busy busy. It was fun to be one the AJKs. We even got the special ang pao besides from the lucky draw. It's was so fun. So, I think that's all for now. Bye!

Monday, December 13, 2010

A Trip to Singapore

This was the first time I pay a visit to a overseas country. Singapore.

It was fun. But the stuff there are quite pricey. This time, not the whole family went, just my big and second sisters, me, my mum and of course my dad whereas for my younger sister and brother, we leave them to our aunt to take care.

Saturday- The five of us started our journey around 7 something in the morning. We had our breakfast and started to travel to Singapore. Well, I slept in the car till 9 something in the morning. It's 7 in the morning for goodness sake.By the time I woke up, we are already at Johor. My dad drove so fast. Almost reach like 160. All the car gave way to him. For those who is too stubborn to move, my dad will like stick to the car's end. Seriously, the way he drive is like way too dangerous.

Around like 10 something in the morning, we ate again in Johor. After that, we reach the the customs. My dad was stuck at the Singapore custom due to some reasons. So yeah. We stuck there until like 3 something in the afternoon. Oh. Don't forget the traffic jam as well. We wasted like almost half of the day at Singapore custom. Then, wasted another hour finding our hotel in Singapore. Luckily we have our big sister's GPS. Won't easily get lost in Singapore.

Finally, we found our hotel. It's call Holiday Inn. It's very beautiful. Oh. The price is also beautiful as well. Haha. After that, we visited Marine Bay Sands. It's is indeed marvelous and beautiful. My mum and dad visited the casino there whereas for my sisters and I, we walked around the shopping complex. It's so grand and high class. It's like Malaysia Pavilion. Perhaps better than that. Then, we walked around and took photos. We walked from this shopping complex to another.

After that, we left that place and visited Geylang. We had our supper there, around 11 something. The restaurants there are still open at the time like this. Most of the restaurants are packed with the uncles loitering, drinking beer and smoking. After out supper, we went back to our hotel and bathe and then went to sleep.

The next morning, my sister and I woke up early to walk around. We sat public bus and MRT. This was the first time I sat public bus. So does my big sister. The only bus I sat before in Malaysia was school bus. Haha. We are like 2 idiots who don't even know how to travel by bus. Thanks to my second sister who help us. I was like thinking what is that machine box over there? For money? How do you know how much you got to pay? Seriously, I felt so stupid. We travel to the MRT station by bus. When we reached there, we bought tickets for the MRT. It's was another nice experience. I realised that the escalator there are faster than here. Haha. Then bla bla bla. Lazy to type down.

After that, around the afternoon, the five of us went to Sentosa. It was very nice and fun there. That place itself almost took half of our day. We visited the Underwaterworld and Insects World and others. My parents want to know how does the Singapore Genting's casino looks like. So they went in and we just walked around and took pictures. The decoration are just so wonderful especially Christmas is just around the corner, there is a huge Christmas tree there. Bla bla bla. Lazy to elaborate again.

Finally, we are leaving Singapore. We decided to have our dinner in Johor. But the traffic jam was terrible. We were stuck in it. We reached Johor around 11 something at night. Then, we had our dinner or I should say supper at a restaurant. Ate seafood. So fattening. But who cares. Once in a while. It's so yummy. Then we started to travel home. Reached home around like 3 something almost 4 in the morning.

Well, that's all for now. Bye.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Right..It's been a while since I last updated my blog. Today, it's my class party for 2010. Well, it's supposed to be a class party but sadly, not even half of the class came. Anyway, Catherine organised this which was really awesome. We reached there and started eating. Full. Then, some of us went to watch Harry Potter whereas me, Andrea, Ching Yi, Jie Yi, Liandra, and Catherine went to walk around Sunway to digest the food in our stomach.

We took a few pictures. Sat the Ferris Wheel which was a total waste of money. Haha. I found 2 pieces of RM5 on the floor. We were decided weather to take it or not. We ended up just took a picture of it and went away. Then, there was a lady that keep staring at us from the moment we found that money, told her child to take it.

After that, Andrea and I got to go home already. So, that's all. This is a very short update. But anyway, better than no. Haha. XD