Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Well,today is not only father's day but also the last day of the 2 weeks holiday. I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK TO SCHOOL!!HAIZ. Never mind, at least there is something to look forward to go to school...exam's results.

My family and I celebrated father's day at a restaurant eating steamboat buffet. My mother, second sister and me collected money to pay for that buffet. According to my father, the food there are delicious and fresh. There, I even took some photos. Check it out.
This is the place where we ate at.This is my mum and my dad. My dad refused to look at the camera. He look funny though. LOL.
And this is my second sister. Woots. Hawt.

Ermm. I think that's all I want to tell. Ah.One more thing, my sister finally got her own car. It's a Viva. A white one. There, I took a picture of it too.

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